Affiliate Opportunities

Why partner with Taste Success?

Add an extra layer of value to your health and wellness business by becoming a Taste Success Affiliate today and let us take care of your clients nutritional challenges.

Let us help build trust between you and your client.

$50 for every referral you send in our direction, paid monthly directly to your bank account.

Meal plans, recipe books, shopping lists and healthy lifestyle advice all done for you in our user friendly online platform - completely hands off for you and your business.

Proven Benefits:

  • Encourages client loyalty to your business

  • Keeps customer needs in-house

  • Great for word-of-mouth marketing to attract new customers

We provide you with:

  • QR code for your site (physical, web and social marketing)

  • Affiliate code for your customers to use to get a discounted nutrition programme through us

  • A training for you and your team on the benefits to your customer and your business

Easy integration into your business